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Tecnology and Startups 04/06/2024


1) Why should OpenAI fear a Scarlett Johansson lawsuit? (Por que a OpenAI deveria temer um processo de Scarlett Johansson?) OpenAI’s concern about a possible lawsuit filed by actress Scarlett Johansson pertains to a formal request from her lawyers for the company to remove the “Sky” voice option from the new ChatGPT-4o app model because…
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Consumer 31/05/2024

Desenrola Pequenos Negócios: Opportunity of Debt Renegotiation for Individual Proprietorships, Small and Very Small Businesses

In the current economic scenario, marked by challenges and uncertainties, adaptability and effective financial management are key elements for sustainability and business growth. In this context, efforts that facilitate the renegotiation of bank debts bear a special relevance, especially for individual proprietorships (MEI's) and small businesses, which are of paramount importance in generating jobs and…
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Sem categoria 29/05/2024

NO PEN AND PAPER, BUT VALID: A brief overview of the advances and challenges of electronic signatures in Brazil.

The idea of a manifestation of will in person, attested by hand signature, appended on a hard copy, attended by witnesses, and even with confirmation of validity through a public certification in a notary's office, held sway for a long time as an almost unique way of guaranteeing the lawfulness and veracity of an agreement.…
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Tecnology and Startups 22/05/2024


There are two sentences that I always like to stress with my team, one of them is attributed to Voltaire, “the great is the enemy of the good,” while the other whose author I do not know is that “the obvious always needs to be said.” Nowadays, for a number of reasons, there is no…
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