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Tecnology and Startups 18/09/2024

What are Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, or simply PETs, the technological “watchdogs” that every company should have to fight and prevent data leaks

With the increasing dependence on digitalization in our lives, the protection of personal data has become a mandatory measure for virtually all companies. The importance of care in data processing was furthered in Brazil with the establishment of specific regulation under the General Data Protection Law – LGPD. This vision of a necessary incorporation of…
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Credit Recovery 17/09/2024


The legal community – lawyers, scholars, companies, associations, Courts, the National Council of Justice (CNJ), inter alia – has long debated the practice of the negative phenomenon of predatory litigation. Simply put, it typically refers to the unreasonable filing of a substantial number of actions in bad faith, and resorting to assorted strategies, with a…
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Administrative and Public Law 06/09/2024

STJ reaffirms caselaw and TJMS recognizes the exclusion of occupational diseases from the concept of personal accident.

In the Brazilian system, court precedents have a pivotal role, contributing to the maintenance of legal certainty, and consistency in the decisions of Courts, as provided for in the rules of Articles 926 and 927 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC).   However, it is not difficult to notice a mismatch between theory and…
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Administrative and Public Law 06/09/2024

Artificial Intelligence – Learn more about risks and how its regulation can guarantee positive breakthroughs

What are the main risks of artificial intelligence without proper regulation? Which sectors can be impacted? The absence of a proper regulation for artificial intelligence exposes society to substantial, intricate risks. The crux of the problem lies in the “black box” nature of advanced artificial intelligence systems, given that the opacity in their decision-making process…
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